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Community Excel

ImageCommunity Excel is a Pan Afrikan association of individuals, families, churches, and organizations for united, self-reliant communities, a sovereign nation and equal partner in world affairs

Pan Afrikans, people of Afrikan descent and consciousness on the Afrikan continent and in the diaspora, have common interests and must unify and strengthen bonds of solidarity as we pool resources for common good. Unity is vital to the progress and aims to uplift our people our fate is intertwined. We share not merely a common history, but a common destiny. 

Our recorded history goes back more than 5000 years before the Christian era, in a time before European and Asian Invasions, Arab Expansion, British Colonization and Slavery. Kemet, now Egypt along the lower Nile river in Afrika, was our ancestral home to 30 Kemetic dynasties from 2920 BC – 332 BC before finally falling to the Roman Empire. Our ancestors, the Ancient Egyptians, were Afrikans and their skin was Black just as that of the Nubians. They were the Kings and Queens of Kemet and Nubia. The Kemetic pyramids were built to be tombs of the Pharaohs while Nubian pyramids were symbols of wealth and stature. The greatness of Kemet is still being talked about and studied to this day. As descendants of these great Afrikans, be proud of our heritage. Be proud of our history. Be proud of being Afrikan because we are the children of the 1st and greatest civilization that has ever lived!

Now after over 400 years of European slavery, colonization and oppression, our communities are plagued with family disintegration, ineffective community and spiritual leadership, poverty, violence, corruption, racism, injustice, mass incarcerations, felony disenfranchisement, unemployment, genocide, drug addiction, little economic opportunity, below-average academic achievement, poor healthcare results and many other devastating community issues. This requires us to come together, like never before, and rebuild our communities, eliminate the root causes of this injustice and be the people God has created and called us to be.

1) Family: Ancestors, Singleness, Marriage, Parenting, Estate

2) Economics (Agriculture: Land; Business: Jobs,  Entrepreneurship, Technology)

    a. Farms run by African Americans make up less than 2 percent of all of the nation's farms today, down from 14 percent in 1920, because of decades of racial violence and unfair lending and land ownership policies.

    b. Value Working-Class Jobs: We must revise the notion that attending a four-year college is the mark of being a legitimate American, and return to truly valuing working-class jobs. Attending four years of college is a tough, expensive, and even unappealing proposition for many poor people (as well as middle-class and rich ones). Yet poor people can, with up to two years’ training at a vocational institution, make solid livings as electricians, plumbers, hospital technicians, and many other jobs. Across America, we must instill a sense that vocational school—not “college” in the traditional sense—is a valued option for people who want to get beyond what they grew up in.

3) Education (Public Schools: Boards, Teachers, Students, Associations, Careers)

     a. Grade Level Reading -  Reading is the most crucial academic skill because it is the foundation for learning. Through third grade children are learning to read; after third grade students read to learn. On national tests last year, only 18 percent of black 4th-graders scored proficient or above in reading; the figure for white 4th-graders was 45 percent. For 8th graders, the percentages were 15 and 42 percent. It’s sobering that more than half of white students fail to meet the proficiency bar. But the figures for black students should outrage anyone who cares about social justice. These dry statistics translate into greater struggles in high school, lower college attendance and graduation rates, a higher likelihood of incarceration, and generally bleaker futures. And we’re going in the wrong direction: Those abysmal percentages for black students are lower than the figures from two years before.

     b. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)

4) Entertainment: Art, Sports; Media: Books, Internet, Television, Radio, Books, Magazines, Newspapers, , Speeches,)

5) Environment (Health: Healthcare, Life Expectancy, infant mortality; Technology)  

6) Government (Local, Politics, Justice System, Law Enforcement, Military)

      a. Designated representative attend all local meetings: City Council, County Commission, Drainage District, etc.

      b. End Mass Incarceration - The United States is home to less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet nearly 16 percent of all incarcerated people—roughly two million people—are held in USA jails and prisons. The USA incarcerates more people per capita than any country in the world.  

     c. Eliminate War on Drugs - It creates a black market economy that tempts underserved black men from finishing school or seeking legal employment and imprisons them for long periods, removing them from their children and all but assuring them of lowly existences afterward.

7) History (re-Afrikanization, Restoration)

8) Spirituality

Community Excel Kingdom Builders, equips, empowers and unites Christians to impact individuals, families, churches, and communities in advancing God's Kingdom (His will, His purpose, His intent) in all the world.

a) Kingdom Singles: 1) Kingdom Men, 2) Kingdom Women

b) Kingdom Families: 1) Kingdom Marriages, 2) Kingdom Husbands, 3) Kingdom Wife, 4) Kingdom Parents, 5) Kingdom Children

c)Kingdom Church, Kingdom Disciples, Kingdom Stewardship

d) Kingdom Communities

     a. 'Do Justice' Ministry - “And what does the LORD require of you but to 'Do Justice', and to 'Love Mercy', and to 'Walk Humbly' with your God?” (Micah 6:8)  A similar list is found in the gospel of Matthew 23: 23, where Jesus declares the “weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness.” 'Do Justice’ addresses the systemic problems that create injustice, the systems, not the victims. . A ‘do justice‘ response takes action to address the underlying questions: Why are there so many homeless people in our community? Why are many families unable to afford a decent place to live? Why are so many people with mental health problems ending up on the streets? When this distinction is understood, the failure to do justice appears obvious. The fifth chapter of Nehemiah is a great example of God’s people organizing in large numbers to 'Do Justice'. 'Love Mercy' is not the same as 'Do Justice' and the distinction is important. A 'Love Mercy' response to homelessness involves food programs and shelters. ‘Love Mercy’ seeks to help individual survivors of injustice. It helps individuals with immediate needs and includes programs like mentoring, tutoring, food pantries, counseling, etc. Mercy helps individuals, justice holds systems accountable. ‘Walk Humbly' with your God (Faithfulness) includes those things that encourage us to be faithful to God such as worship, studies, prayer, etc.

9) Spirituality    

    a. Ma'at: Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Compassion, Harmony, and Reciprocity



African-Centered Education
ImageDevelops African Culture Consciousness.  One effect of the enslavement of African people has been the distortion of their cultural consciousness. Preeminent educator and author Dr. Amos Wilson argues that when a people’s culture is distorted, their capacity to appropriately organize, evaluate, and classify information to deal with reality is impaired.
Parents are First Teachers

ImageSchools, communities and families all share the common goal of wanting children to succeed in school. Being a competent reader by third grade is one key indicator of children’s academic success. Children who do well in the early grades of elementary school are more likely to graduate from high school and to go on to be successful in life.



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